Saturday, June 25, 2016

Prasat Kok Rokar

Prasat Kok Rokar is situated in Rokar Phum, Srayov Commune, Stung Sen District, Kampong Thom territory in a 14-km separation from Provincial Town of Kampong Thom. The sanctuary was worked of sandstone and laterite in Khleng style toward the end of eleventh century amid the rule of ruler Suryavarman I to devote to Siva.

This secluded haven (measurement: 6m x 5m; 8m tallness) was based on the slope and confronted toward the east. The body of the focal sanctuary has cone shaped structure with patios opening toward the east, and an entryway came to from the eastern passageway (three different entryways were the false entryways). The jewel section has octagonal structures, and the three lintels have different structures. In light of the study to the site, the haven was framed fit as a fiddle. The outside defense has 25m x 25m size and Gopura from the four headings which jointed to the encompassing laterite bulwark. Outside the bulwark, there were likely channels encompassed as we saw some imprints stay as of not long ago. In perception to the temple?s court, there were lintels and engravings accessible at the encompassing. The lintels has different style some in Sambor Prei Kuk, some in Prei Khmeng and some in Kulen style and so on. This didn?t imply that the craftsmen manufactured the blended styles. As indicated by the elderly inhabitant there said that amid the French settlement in Cambodia, these antiquated items were conveyed from different sanctuaries to accumulate here in planning to break into little parts that would then be utilized to clear the streets, yet they didn?t develop the streets yet because of the war happened in the Country that why these old articles stayed there.

On the slope 1km from the sanctuary, where they held midnight function each full moon day with making virgin young ladies moving around the terminated spot to appeal to God for the downpour. This function could be taken part by virgin young ladies as it were.


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