Friday, June 24, 2016


Chambok ecotourism site is only by the Kirirom National Park. Be set up for some activity around 4 kilometers trek, collaboration with nearby villagers, and disclosure of Cambodia's remarkable normal biodiversity, guests will appreciate with different exercises, for example, trekking, bull truck riding, leasing bikes, picnicking, flying creature watching, showering at the stream and the waterfall, and going by a bat - hollow. Moreover, guests can have a lunch in a villager's home arranged by neighborhood ladies, including foods grown from the ground at the waterfall. 

The Chambok Community-based Ecotourism site lies at the outskirt of Kirirom National Park in Kompong Speu region. It brags an excellent 40-meter high waterfall, which can be come to through a 3 km nature trail. The site serves as a model for best practice in communitybased ecotourism in Cambodia. 

The Chambok site is an activity created in 2001 by a nearby domain association Mlup Baitong, in participation with the Ministry of Environment. the point was to address the issues of deforestation and group employments for villagers in the region, who rely on upon the timberlands to create charcoal to bring home the bacon. Through people group training programs, they were demonstrated the advantages of ensuring the woods for future eras. 

From that point forward, the Chambok ecotourism undertaking was produced to give an option pay to the villagers. Overseen by the villagers of Chambok cooperative, all incomes from tourism stay in the group and help them to secure the timberland and oversee it reasonably. Prepared neighborhood aides are accessible to share their insight into the nature, history and social parts of the zone. The site additionally has a guest focus and an eatery where the neighborhood youth stage move exhibitions and Khmer nourishment is served. 

Chambok Eco-tourism Resort, around 70km from Phnom Penh in Kampong Spue area, is only a couple of kilometers far from Kirirom Hillside resort. In any case, while Kirirom is an upscale extravagance retreat, Chambok is fruitful and reasonable group venture. Not at all like numerous comparative plans, Chambok is keep running on account of unequivocal and practical points preservation that advantages neighborhood groups through tourism. Ecotourism is essential for group advancement, clarified Chan Sokha, KCD's chief. Chambok is overseen by the group, yet profits by it. The undertaking underpins families and the group. 

Arranged by Kirirom National Park, Chambok has a considerable measure of attractions and exercises to offer to both neighborhood and worldwide vacationers who are unequivocally inspired by nature. It is surely understood for its three streams, incorporating the greatest with more than 40 meters of delightful waterfall. Sightseers can take guided visits to one of those streams and appreciate the perspectives while trekking through the timberland. The English talking aides will enlighten a considerable measure concerning both creatures living in the backwoods and plants developing there. Close to these three waterfalls there is a remarkable chance of testing a bat hollow and its many tenants. 

Alongside Chambok ecotourism site the Kirirom National Park is arranged with an essential guesthouse and eatery inside. The Kirirom Hillside resort is an inn containing a few homes, an eatery, amusement stop and swimming pool at the outskirt of Kirirom National Park. The residential community of Treng Trayeung with its business sector and eateries is near Chambok also.


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