Friday, June 24, 2016

Phnom Ta Reach

Phnom Ta Reach is the common and verifiable site identified with the Pol Pot time (1977-197). The site is situated at Phnom Touch town, Pong Ro Commune, Ro Lea Pha Ear District in 10 Kilometer separation from the commonplace town or 101-Kilometer separation from Phnom Penh by the National Road No 5, then turning left by the Road by means of the new airplane terminal. Phnom Ta Reach, the spot where Pol Pot constrained detainees to cut the mountain rock having 200-meter length, 2.8-meter width and six-meter stature. In a huge space, there are numerous little cement apartments.There is additionally an of all shapes and sizes slope secured with palm trees. Outside air is bottomless. This territory can pull in voyagers to visit amid the celebration days.


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