Saturday, June 25, 2016

Phnom Santok

Phnom Santok is a social and natural site situated in Ko Koh town, Ko Koh collective, Santuk region, around 17 kilometers south of Kampong Thom commonplace town. The site incorporate four mountains: Phnom Srah Kmao or Phnom Tbeng, Phnom Penhum or Phnom Kraper, Phnom Champa and Phnom Santuk. 

Since the old time to the present, Phnom Santuk Mountain has been brought in numerous names as underneath: 
  • Phnom Thom (ever) 
  • Phnom Arth Santuk (In history) 
  • Phnom Chorm Chong Kiri 
  • Phnom Krop Tuk 
  • Phnom Preah Bat Chann Tuk 
The old legacies on the highest point of the mountain: 
- Many Buddha statues were cut from extraordinary mountain rock including three major Buddha statues achieving Nirvana, each has more than 10-meter length. 

- Prasat Touch of pyramid shape, made of sandstone, has three stories and three-meter tallness, and is situated beside the old wooden sanctuary (in a matter of seconds, it is made of concrete) with a rectangular lake (10m x 4m). 

- Preah Bat Chann Tuk statue was cut on the stone molded as nourishment of a consecrated human, and there are numerous other little figures. By the stories, the development and the statues were raised amid the rule of Preah Ponhea Dharma Reacha (1474-1494) and have been kept as of not long ago. 

Temple on the mountain
Phnom Santuk has changed names to Chorn Chong Kiri and Phnom Krop Tuk. Chan Dare or Chan Chare are called two bits of stone by nearby individuals that go along with all together in checked image and made in little gap, the traveler touched base there, they generally dropped money coins (antiquated coins) into this little gap. At the point when trade coins was dropped out, it make delicate frail voice like a voice of the winged animals sing or music with bliss. So they did that since old period.


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