Friday, June 24, 2016

Teuk Chhar

Alongside Preah Theat Teuk Chhar sanctuaries is a trench burrowed amid old times. Water fills the trench year round, and the water is clear and free-streaming, making it mainstream with sightseers who appreciate washing in it. At one time, there were numerous trees and plants along both sides of the waterway, however they were evacuated to make a major plain, where the water streams nearby the fundamental sanctuary. 

Today, the old lake composed by Leaksintra is an inconceivable wellspring of water that is contained by a dam fabricated quite a while back. The water that fills the channel streams south from Kampong Cham territory, pass the sanctuary and into the huge opening, which for a long time has been brimming with water that floods the rice fields of adjacent towns, for example, Kroch town in Prey Chhar region. 

Since the trench is old, the Ministry of Agriculture has assembled a dam to store water to supply a large number of hectares of rice fields in Prey Chhar region, Kampong Cham territory and Baray region in Kampong Thom region. The surface of Teuk Chha is 3 square kilometers. The water 

that fills it originates from around ten sources in the uneven upper east and the level district, which is called Kbal Teuk. This bowl has a normal profundity of 2 meters. The water courses through three channels. Any two of the channels can be shut down at one time, permitting the water to stream into the third channel and into the dam. The principal channel is opened each day, and the quickly streaming water sounds much like a waterfall, pulling in numerous travelers. The second channel is opened just sporadically amid celebration days; subsequently the water stream is not extremely solid. Water from the north channel streams just amid the stormy season, in light of the fact that amid the dry season, the water level is lower than the dam. 

Since the channel of Teuk Chhar is calculated like a woodworker's apparatus, individuals can swim there. Since the water is clear, guests can watch schools of little fish swimming in inverse bearing of the water stream. Furthermore, the trees that line the channel bank hold numerous flying creatures and give shade and haven to guests. The cool atmosphere alongside the water and enormous trees that encompass the antiquated sanctuary make this site famous with vacationers and local people, who appreciate spending their occasions there. Subsequently, this spot is extremely understood.


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