Friday, June 24, 2016

Ek Phnom

Arranged around 10 km north of the Cobra Bridge are the remnants of Ek Phnom. It was worked amid the Bayon period and sadly is much more regrettable for the wear than Phnom Banan. It's a fascinating spot, be that as it may, in light of the fact that there is a crisply built working sanctuary directly before the vestiges. This sanctuary, alongside the sanctuary remnants, is the focal point of occasion merriment for the general population of the close-by town. They spruce up in their Sunday best and have a festival between the old and the new sanctuaries and climb all around the remnants with their families. 

The remains are on a little slope so there is no workout required in survey them a great part of the sanctuary is in shambles and was intensely plundered. There are still some sitting Buddha pictures in place higher up on the dividers. Within is a cutting of a pull of-war with members pulling ceaselessly on a serpent. The members on the left have lost their heads to marauders (they lost face), with the folks on the right as yet having their heads in place. 

Ek Phnom is additionally simple to get to-simply travel north on the River (Road 1) somewhat more than 10 km (the street north of the Cobra Bridge snakes around a bit, however about-faces to the waterway). As you are drawing near to the sanctuary, you will ignore a little solid scaffold. The street past will veer off to one side, yet the cutting edge sanctuary is there to one side. Enter the new sanctuary grounds and the remnants are situated to the back. Once more, a round-excursion moto-taxi is around 120 baht from Battambang. 

Wat Ek Phnom is 11km from Battambang ship arriving by the most limited course and 21km on the off chance that you go through the Pepsi plant and Pheam Ek. Joining both makes for a decent 32km circuit. 

Wat Ek Phnom an air, incompletely fallen, eleventh century sanctuary arranged 11km north of Battambang, measures 52m by 49m and is encompassed by the remaining parts of a laterite divider and an old baray (supply). A lintel demonstrating the Churning of the Ocean of Milk can be seen over the east access to the focal sanctuary, whose upper flanks hold some fine bas-reliefs. 

Development of the mammoth Buddha statue adjacent has been halted by the legislature since, they say, it defaces the site's ageless magnificence. This is an exceptionally well known cookout and journey destination for Khmers at celebration times. 

13km north of Battambang is Wat Ek Phnom, a great yet to a great degree flimsy sanctuary arranged beside an expansive lake and is behind a contemporary 28m high Buddha statue. Worked amid the eleventh century, apparently in 1029 under the rule of King Sorayak Varman II (1002-1050), today it has been for the most part decreased to remains and guests need to move over fallen workmanship and tremendous pieces of stone with a specific end goal to navigate the grounds. On account of this, and its peaceful setting, Wat Ek Phnom is an absolute necessity for anybody going to the Battambang region as it really gives you the feeling that you are finding an overlooked sanctuary.


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