Friday, June 24, 2016

Preah Theat Teuk Chhar

Preah Theat Teuk Chhar is a gathering of sanctuaries in Thmo Da town, Beung Nay cooperative and Thmei town, Krouch collective in Prey Chhar locale, around 39 kilometers from Kampong Cham commonplace town. Guests can reach Preah Theat Teuk Chhar by taking National Road 7 from Kampong Cham, turn comfortable commonplace street and drive 13 kilometers before turning right again and driving another 5 kilometers along a trench trail, to the sanctuary site. The sanctuaries were built in AD 1005, amid the rule of King Suryavarman I. As proposed by King's counsel Chung Chheal (likewise named Chekngak Khealleah or Leaksintra), the King consented to manufacture these sanctuaries, and Leaksintra began development on the site called Sithiborya that which claimed by the King, who additionally contributed cash. Leaksintra, be that as it may, utilized his charismatic skill to urge the nearby individuals to contribute cash too, until the task was done. 

One of the sanctuaries houses a Shiva lingam named Sreipatresvara, and two heavenly nature statues called Paramesvara and Sarasvata at both sides. Another cavelike sanctuary accepted to house a divine being is situated along a trench, almost a waterfall. Gravely harmed throughout the years, one and only door jamb remains today, and it is congested with vegetation. The planner exhumed a huge lake on the right half of the sanctuary called Leaksintrada. A brilliant Silva lingam was kept amidst the lake. Close-by, a town of well off individuals was shaped. What's more, individuals from close-by towns were welcome to live there, as well, and the town soon turned into a swarmed yet sprightly town. Leaksintra told the ruler of the new town, and the lord went there to praise the town's initiation in AD 1025. He gave the city various endowments, including 29 fighters and a rice field that encompassed the sanctuary. 

He had lakes burrowed and an immense court worked for celebration festivities, and he gave improvements for the sanctuary. He named the site Leaksintrabot out of appreciation for its modeler, Leaksintra. Later, the site turned into a spot for religious love. The religions rehearsed changed from ruler to lord. A few rulers rehearsed Brahmanism, while some honed Mahayana Buddhism. Others were Theravada Buddhists, which clarifies why there are such a large number of little sanctuaries at Preah Theat Teuk Chhar. By and large, there are 551 little sanctuaries which are affected by Brahmanism and Buddhism.Some of the sanctuaries contain statues of legends who gave their lives for the country. A number of the sanctuaries were decimated by years of war. Others were intensely harmed. Today, ministers and guests to the site seek with expectations of finding the name and establishments of these sanctuaries so they may be remade. A few sanctuaries have been reconstructed as of now, their wood and tile material supplanted with cement.


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